Sunday, January 9, 2011


To tell you the truth, I really have no idea what is about to come out of my head and into the computer, but I felt the need to write.  This time last year was when I really started blogging heavily and I miss it.  Now being a stay at home dad gave me a lot of inspiration, while working outside the home in a small office really doesn't provide all that much material (at least the type of material you could share on a blog that could easily accessed by your boss and coworker).

So here I am writing with no clear direction.  I remember in high school I had an English class that the teacher would require us to write for 10 minutes with out stopping.  There was no topic given, so we were to write whatever comes to mind.  I really liked that, so I am going to try it once again.  Here goes...

It is 2:09 pm and I am basically ignoring my children right now.  Zadie is napping and Zoe and Zane are slowly closing in on me.  They do this when they are being ignored.  They find something to do but do it right next ot you and ask lots of questions about it.

They are now asking me to go to church.  A couple of problems with this.  It is now 2:11 pm and the last service ended at 12:30.  Zane has been throwing up for the past 3 days and the church has a policy that symptoms can not be present for at least 24 hours to be allowed into the childrens program.

I just took away a toy camera from Zoe and Zane because they were fighting over it when I expressly told them to share nicely. I put the camera on the fridge and they are devising a way to get to the camera.  Zane has now come over to me and asked in a very annoyed voice," why did you put that camera on the fridge?  Momma is going to be very mad at you!"  As he said the last line, Zoe put her hands on hips, looked at me angrily and sighed.  Then she said to Zane, "we can figure this out, come on."

I don't know why Zane is still sick.  Usually a stomach virus in a 24 and done type of thing, but it has been 3 days.  I do have to say, he is the best vomiter that I have ever seen.  It just comes out, he gets cleaned up and he is off again.  The other night, we were at the table.  He ran to the bathroom, threw-up, washed his face and hands and came back to the table and asked for cookies and milk.

I guess Zoe could not come up with anything to get her camera down, so she resorted to standing a couple feet from me, putting her hands on her hips, stomping her foot and demanding, "Daddy, get my camera down right now!"  It didn't work.

That's ten minutes.  That was fun.

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