Friday, February 14, 2014

The First Meeting

It was move in day at James Madison University.  We were sophomores and both living in Dorm named Dentons, in downtown Harrisonburg, VA.  It was a four story building.  My room was on the second floor, Julie’s was on the third and a friend of Julie’s room was on the fourth, directly above my room.  Our door was still propped from moving in boxes and such.  All of the sudden, I hear a girl talking as she comes into our room.  I walk around the corner and see Julie for the first time.  I would like to say there was love at first sight, but first I was startled some random girl was in my apartment and second, she was going on about this gooey white liquid in her hand.  You see, she tried out some shampoo that her friend had recommended (the same friend that lived two floors directly above me), and the shampoo had seemed to be spoiled.  In her haste, she jumped on the elevator and went down, instead of up, ending up in my room.  I find out later, Julie had seen me in the parking lot, thought I was cute, which just added to the embarrassment.  Little did we know at that time, we would tell that story about a thousand more times and who knows how many times to come … 

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